
For a current resume, list of completed projects, and full samples, please contact me. My main areas of focus are:
I have written more than 75 accredited educational programs and needs assessments for physicians, nurses, and pharmacists. Formats include monographs, journal supplements, slide presentations, and online programs. My work also includes sales training programs and modules for pharma reps.
I especially enjoy writing for patients and building my plain language skills. I’ve written many educational handouts as well as materials to support participants in clinical research trials. Typical deliverables for clinical studies have included visit procedure guides, study descriptions, newsletters, reminder cards, welcome letters, and recruitment materials (brochures, posters, ads, radio scripts, and website copy).
My work has consistently included detailed summaries for many types of meetings—government and private workshops, advisory board meetings, strategic planning sessions, conferences, and institutional review board meetings. Although I’ve done my share of traveling for meetings, all of my meetings in 2020 (more than 40) have been virtual (Zoom, Webex)—some a full-day in length.
Did I mention my love of variety and challenges? In addition to the materials described above, I wrote three commemorative books on the histories of two large pharmaceutical companies and a government agency. In 2017, I traveled to South Africa to help write a plan for managing tuberculosis in that country. New formats, topics, audiences, and therapeutic areas are always welcome!
Cardiovascular Atrial fibrillation – Hypertension – Coronary artery disease – Lipid management – Platelet aggregation Dermatology Atopic dermatitis Endocrinology Type 2 diabetes mellitus – Metabolic syndrome Gastroenterology Colorectal cancer – Inflammatory bowel disease – Ulcerative colitis Infectious disease Vaccine-preventable diseases (polio, pertussis, chicken pox, meningitis, HPV) – Antibiotic resistance – C. difficile infection – Community acquired pneumonia – COVID-19 – HIV – Tuberculosis Neurology/Neuromuscular Alzheimer’s disease – Parkinson’s disease – Migraine – Multiple sclerosis – Neuroimaging Obstetrics/gynecology Cervical cancer – Genital warts Oncology Breast cancer – Cervical cancer – Colorectal cancer – Lung cancer – Lymphoma – Prostate cancer Ophthalmology Glaucoma – Macular degeneration – Thyroid eye disease Orthopedics Bone fracture healing – Minimally invasive and computer-assisted surgery – Wound healing Psychiatry Depression – Schizophrenia – Dementia Pulmonology Asthma – Community-acquired pneumonia – Acute bronchitis – COPD Rheumatology Ankylosing spondylitis – Osteoarthritis Transplantation Kidney – Liver Urology Dialysis – End-stage renal disease – Overactive bladder